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Our Lady of Good Success Vol. I

Our Lady of Good Success Vol. 2

Life of Mother Mariana Vol. 1

The first of two works on the apparitions in Quito, Ecuador, this book tells in detail the prophecies revealed to Mother Mariana by Our Lady of Good Success about the current crisis that afflicts the Church.


In Volume two of this work, also translated by Dr Horvat, Father Pereira recounts many more apparitions and graces given by Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana at Quito.


Dark Night of the Soul

In his classic Dark Night of the Soul, the dark night St John of the Cross describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him for those who desire to purify and perfect their souls.


Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena

St Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by St Catherine herself. Readers should find her revelations from God very helpful.


Life of Mother Mariana Vol. 2





Chesterton presents an incisive analysis of the fallacies of modern thought among leading writers of his time. Nietzsche, Shaw, Yeats, Kipling, Ibsen, H.G. Wells and others are all subjected to ruthless examination.

The second volume on the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success tells the story of how the statue of the Holy Mother was made. It relates some of the miracles associated with her.

This booklet offers prayers and a novena with beautiful daily meditations written for the cloistered Sisters in the Quito Conceptionist Convent.

Good Success Novena Booklet

Darkness Visible

This book contains the entire authentic text of the Masonic ritual of the first three degrees and of the Royal Arch. Since it was published in 1952, it has sold well among both masons and non-masons.





The Imitation of Christ

Introduction to the Devout Life

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis has been the spiritual guide of the saints since it was first printed in 1418. Own and study the book that St Thérèse of Lisieux loved and knew by heart.

Our Lady of Good Success DVD


The first of two volumes taken from the manuscript of 1790 written about Mother Mariana by Father Pereira and translated by 

Dr Marian Therese Horvat.

Shot on location in Los Angeles and Quito, Ecuador, this 50-minute film features interviews with authorities on the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success and footage from the convent where they occurred.

An Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), is easy to read, yet thorough, authoritative and reliable. It is a book for all because all are called to the devout life and true devotion to God.

Traditionalist Catholic Books: 1  2  3

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