Catholic Tradition Media

Meet all of your publication deadlines

    Our services include:

     Websites for parishes, priests or organisations

     Hosting for your site, plus cPanel and CMS

     Press-ready pages for newspapers or magazines

     Complete parish newsletters or special publications

Catholic Tradition Media offers a full range of editorial, design and print production services for projects ranging from leaflets or posters to regular newspaper or magazine publications.

    If you want to hand over your parish magazine to us, commission the regular production of Catholic newspaper or periodical pages or ask us to handle a 

one-off special publication, we will be happy to discuss your needs with you.

    A presence on the Web has also become indispensable in today’s wired world, and whether it is just to publish parish notices, sermons or a blog, or if you want to sell items or services on the internet, Catholic Tradition Media will help you to get online.

Using written work and pictures provided by the customer, print media commissions, including press-ready pages, will normally be delivered to you by file transfer using a cloud platform. 

    This is the quickest and easiest method, which will enable you to proof-read your pages or publication and make corrections or comments as work on the job progresses.

    Alternatively, completed pieces of work can simply be copied onto a USB and sent to you in the post if you prefer.

    For a website commission, you will be able to inspect the site as it is designed and make comments and corrections before it is handed over to you.

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Website design by Catholic Tradition Media

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